[About the Congress]

Welcome to the International Hearing Voices Congress

The World Hearing Voices Congress 2024 will be held in the Danish capital Copenhagen on 26 and 27 September. The theme of the congress is: Reclaiming Our Lives. This annual event brings together voice-hearers, loved ones and other allies in a two-day event that explores and celebrates the diversity of voice-hearing, vision-seeing and related human experiences. It is a space where people from across the world come to connect with, and learn from, one another.
The strength of the World Hearing Voices Congress comes from the diversity of people who contribute to it.



Kellie Stastny

Stigma omkring skyld, skam og stemmehøring: Bryd tavsheden
Denne præsentation præsenterer Kellies udviklende rejse med at skabe plads til skyld og skam i et liv med metal mistrivsel, som følge af barndomsmisbrug og efterfølgende psykiatrisk behandling. Dette krydsfelt førte til fremkomsten af destruktive og overvældende stemmer. Kellie dykker ned i den komplekse proces med at forstå den meningsfulde forbindelse mellem tidligere traumer og stemmehøring. Præsentationen belyser den afgørende rolle, som stemmehører-netværkets forståelse og tilgang betød for Kellie i forhold til at navigere og skabe mening i disse komplekse oplevelser. Gennem denne tilgangs linse udforsker Kellie koncepterne om at udvikle relationer med stemmer og engagere sig i dialog med stemmerne, som kraftfulde redskaber til personlig vækst og heling. Deltagerne vil få indblik i Kellies rejse med at skabe mening med sine oplevelser, og hun vil understrege vigtigheden af at anerkende og adressere skyld og skam i den bredere samtale om mental sundhed.

Kellie Stastny

The Stigma Surrounding Guilt, Shame, and Hearing Voices: Breaking the Silence

Jacqui Dillon

Compassionate Approaches to Voice Hearing: Personal, Professional & Political Perspectives


It's All in My Head
Elisabeth Svanholmer

Elisabeth Svanholmer

Wild Mind
Sugi Thiru

Sugi Thiruchelvam

Reclaiming the Narrative
Michael Cidlik

Michael Cidlik

Working with visions

Mary Yancy

Reclaiming our lives with the analogy of the Guest House by the poet Rumi.
rufus may

Rufus May

Learning from the Hearing Voices Movement

Eduardo Augusto Leão

Non-verbal resources for dealing with the understanding of voices
Anders Sørensen

Anders Sørensen

Voice hearing and psychotropic drugs

Peter Bullimore

Making Sense of Paranoia and Unusual Beliefs

Olga Runciman

What The Hearing Voices Network and Open Dialogue can learn from each other
  • Ane Søegaard & Emil Søegaard

Emil Søegaard, Ane Søegaard & Anne Klinte

The Voice Hearer, His Mother, and His Therapist - a Modern Survival Story in 3D
  • Bernadette Sheils
  • Owen Tuama

Bernadette Sheils & Owen Ó Tuama

"I am Satan and nothing human is alien to me."

Alison Branitsky

What happens when an alternative becomes an addition? Online hearing voices group in the NHS.

Henna Paasonen

All voice hearers should have access to express themselves through art

The Bradford Hearing Voices group

Believe it or not, making space for different beliefs in hearing voices groups
  • Jeannie

Jeannie Bass & Carina Iati

Reclaiming Humanity - in a locked, long term inpatient psychiatric hospital setting.

Lisa Archibald

Moving from Fear to Curiosity: Peer Support as a relational approach

Leah Harris

Not Just Hot Flashes: Navigating Extreme States in the Menopausal Transition

Mette Askov

"I am Mette - not just Mette's voice"

Oana-Mihaela Iusco

Building “Voice Worlds”

Maria Osmundsen

When Trauma Speaks

Nina Falkenlöve

Embracing the Voices Within - An Independent Journey

Cecilie Ramsing

Dancing CHIME: Embodying Our Personal Histories and Life Force
  • Elisabeth Svanholmer

Robyn Thomas & Elisabeth Svanholmer

Sharing the Gifts of Our Wild Minds: Representing and honouring our personal experiences

Kate Crawford & Kellie Stastny

Experiences of becoming a mother when you hear voices

Dirk Corstens & Trevor Eyles with more

Talking with voices
Owen Tuama

Owen Ó Tuama

‘Knowing My Mad Knowledge’

Anders Thingmand

MDMA-assisted psychotherapy: Trauma, dissociation and the multiplicity of mind in a groundbreaking new therapy.

Joan Jacobsen

The newfound knowledge triggered a personal recovery journey, completed independently.

Shaun Hunt

Using the Maastricht interview to understand the meaning in voices

Anders Schakow

Maastricht interview, Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy & voice dialogue

Paul Baker

Planting and growing the hearing voices approach in local communities & services

Christoffer Haugaard

Faced with voices that were not receptive to psychiatric treatment: A research project
Michael Cidlik

Michael Cidlik

Archetypal voices

The Theatrical Troupe of Hearing Voices Network Greece

Kari Imeri

Kari Imeri

Art Therapy
Pernille Frandsen

Pernille Søndergård

Art Exhibition: Pictures from my inner life

Jonas Strandgaard

Art Exhibition: Shadows of Life

Gitte Mandsberg

Art Exhibition: Hope in the Darkness

Grace Hartnett

Art Exhibition: Reclaming my live
  • Anders Dahl
  • Britta Lindqvist

Anders Dahl and Britta Lindquist

Nature Therapy


Dinner Event

At the congress's shared Dinner Event, you can experience a true taste of Danish tradition and culture.
As part of our international congress in Copenhagen, we invite you to a relaxed dinner with an authentic taste of Danish culture. Dive into Denmark's rich culinary heritage as a traditional Danish dish - the famous "Smørrebrød" (open-faced sandwich) - takes center stage for the evening. Eat like a Dane: indulge your taste buds with simple and elegant Danish smørrebrød, featuring a selection of delicious toppings on rye bread. On festive occasions, smørrebrød is traditionally enjoyed with beer and schnapps.
Event details:
  • Date: September 26, 2024

  • Time: 19:00

  • Venue: Restaurant Allegade 10.

  • Address: Allegade 10, 2000 Frederiksberg.

  • Price: € 50, Including a soft drink, a beer, or a glass of wine.
About the restaurant
Restaurant Allegade 10 is one of Denmark's oldest restaurants, dating back to 1780. The restaurant has a museum-like atmosphere adorned with Danish kings and queens, along with a glimpse of Denmark's history in cozy surroundings. The restaurant has many years of experience in serving traditional Danish smørrebrød. The several hundred-year-old premises have been refurbished in light colors, maintaining an old-fashioned style. The restaurant is located near one of Copenhagen's oldest parks, Frederiksberg Have, created by King Frederik IV in 1699-1730 as a baroque garden around Frederiksberg Palace. The park today features remnants of this baroque garden and a romantic landscape garden.
To secure your spot at this cultural feast, please sign up for the dinner event when completing your conference registration. We look forward to sharing this culinary experience with you in a cozy community!




The World Hearing Voices Congress 2024 will be held at Hafnia-Hallen, a large sports and event center located just outside the center of Copenhagen.
The congress will take place amidst the vibrant leisure and cultural life of the Danes. Side by side with Danes of all ages who gather to engage in sports and subsequently foster community over a cold drink or a cup of coffee in the hall's café.

Denmark has a unique association life, where Danes across the country come together for a wide range of leisure interests. The association life is largely driven by unpaid volunteers who want to contribute to bringing Danes together in communities based on shared interests. In Hafnia-Hallen, you'll get a taste of Danish leisure and association life every time you leave a conference room.
If you want to awaken your inner child, there are table tennis tables, foosball, basketball hoops, running tracks, and more scattered around the hall where you can play with conference participants or perhaps with a local you've met in the café.
Julius Andersens Vej 6
2450 København SV
Hafnia-Hallen is located just outside the center of Copenhagen and is easy to reach from wherever you are. Like many Danes, you can choose to bike and cycle from the center of Copenhagen to the hall in 20 minutes. Shortly before the congress opens, a brand new metro station will be established right next to the hall, providing quick and easy access to the entire Copenhagen and the airport. If you come by car, there is a free parking lot right by the hall.

If you use public transport, Hafnia-Hallen is close to:
Metro station: København Syd
Train station: Ellebjerg Station (Regional train and S-train)

You can buy a travel card so you can freely travel around Copenhagen. With a City Pass Small you can travel all over Copenhagen.
Buy your City Pass here: 

Hafnia-Hallen is easy to reach from most places in Copenhagen, so it's a choice whether to stay at a hotel in the city center or closer to where the congress is held. If you choose to stay closer to the center of Copenhagen, it will always be relatively easy to get to the congress if you find accommodation near a metro station. With the small caveat that the new metro station near the congress, as promised, will open in the summer of 2024. As in other major cities, it is advantageous to book well in advance, as it becomes more challenging to find good accommodations the closer we get to the congress.

We have made an arrangement with Scandic Sydhavnen, located approximately 2 km from Hafnia-Hallen and is the hotel closest to the congress. The address is: Sydhavns Plads 15, Copenhagen SV. We have agreed on a discount on the hotel price for congress participants. The prices are:

Scandic Sydhavnen

  • Sept. 24th & 25th: Standard room at € 174 and Superior room at € 200
  • Sept. 26th & 27th: Standard room at € 154 and Superior room at € 180

An additional charge of € 27 per day applies to a double room.

To obtain the discount, you must use the booking code: BPSY260924

Hotel website:

If you wish to stay at a more affordable hotel & hostel in the area, a&o Copenhagen Sydhavn is an option. a&o Copenhagen Sydhavn's website:

Alternatively, you can consider Cabinn Copenhagen. Website

AirB&B also offers many possibilities for renting accommodation in Copenhagen and the surrounding areas. In general, prices will be more budget-friendly if you rent an AirB&B in the area around Hafnia-Hallen and away from the center of Copenhagen.

AirB&B website:


If you want to register more than 10 participants, send an email to so you can get a group discount.
Standard Ticket
Individuals with a normal income
  • Lunch (sandwich)
  • Fruit
  • Croissant + Cake
  • Free Coffee, Tea and water


Reduced Ticket
Individuals on social benefits
  • Lunch (sandwich)
  • Fruit
  • Croissant + Cake
  • Free Coffee, Tea and water


Congress dinner party
Social event
  • A soda, beer, or glass of wine
  • A delicious dinner event


InterVoice Day

The 25th of September
Any Questions?

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